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Plant type Perennials, Subtropicals
Plant Uses

Best uses

Great to add a bit of the tropics to subtropical plantings alongside cannas, bromeliads and palms.

Physical characteristics

A rhizomatous fleshy deciduous perennial growing to around 0.5m tall and 0.7m wide.

Flowers and foliage

Leaves are heart-shaped fleshy and vibrant green in colour produced on long stems. Flowers are rarely produced so this one is grown mainly for its foliage.

Preferred site

Grow in well-drained but moist soil and in partial shade. Protect from hard frosts.

Maintenance tips

Easy to grow outside in warm areas. Tidy off old and damaged leaves. Mulch annually with an organic mulch to help suppress weeds and conserve moisture. A balanced organic fertiliser can be applied in spring to help promote fresh growth.

Pests and diseases

Generally trouble free.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Visitors Centre

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