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Best uses

Great for moist soil, in sun to partial shade, grown alongside other natives or in among other border plants.

Physical characteristics

A clump-forming, tough evergreen grass growing to 0.9m tall and up to 1m wide.

Flowers and foliage

This sedge has long narrow slightly arching mid-green leaves. They are ribbed and bluish green on undersides. Tall stiff stems of rough brown flowers are produced from August to December.

Preferred site

Best planted in full sun to partial shade, in moist soil, but will grow in most conditions except full shade.

Maintenance tips

Easy plants to maintain as they require little ongoing maintenance. When plantings get too large or old more can be easily grown from seed they often seed out in the garden anyway. Any seedlings can be carefully transplanted to their new site once they are large enough to handle. They can also be easily divided. A general-purpose fertiliser can be applied each spring to boost growth. Older plantings may need refreshing with age. Mulch around plants annually to help with weed suppression and conserve moisture.

Pests and diseases

Generally trouble-free.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Visitors Centre