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Plant type Ground Covers, Bulbs
Plant Uses Container Plant, Rockery

Best uses

A small autumn-blooming bulb that grows well in partially shaded areas. Effective planted en masse in front of shrubs, around trees and in woodland gardens. Can be over-planted in summer with annuals.

Physical characteristics

Small, tuberous perennial. Dark green leaves are triangular to heart-shaped and are often marbled on the top and purple beneath. Grows to 10cm tall.

Flowers and foliage

Pink or white flowers with dark centres. Sometimes scented. Dark green leaves are triangular to heart-shaped and are often marbled on the top and purple beneath. Blooms well until it goes dormant in late spring.

Preferred site

Prefers partial to full shade and well-draining soil in a sheltered site.

Preparation for planting

With suitable preparation and care, bulbs will grow and flower well year after year. Prepare the planting site when soil is moist and easily worked after the first rains in autumn. Remove all weeds and incorporate bark, compost or other organic material. In Auckland, good drainage is essential for most winter-flowering bulbs. Prevent waterlogging by incorporating a generous layer of gritty material, such as coarse sand. Clay can also be broken up by adding gypsum and organic matter to the soil. For heavy soils, raise the level of beds and borders with extra topsoil and coarse pumice or sand. Plant when the soil is moist and warm in autumn or early spring so that a good root system develops. Plant so the tuber is just below the surface in humus-rich, well-drained soil. In spring, apply organic fertiliser (such as blood and bone) at a handful per square metre.

Maintenance tips

Avoid excessive summer moisture and mulch well when leaves wither. Apply a balanced fertiliser each spring.

Pests and diseases

Pest and disease free.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Magnolia Garden