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Best uses

Best used in rock gardens and containers.

Physical characteristics

Clump-forming succulent comprised of evergreen rosettes. Grows up to 25cm tall and wide.

Flowers and foliage

Blue green rosettes of fleshy leaves produce pink yellow and orange flowers held above the foliage in spring and early summer.

Preferred site

Prefers full sun to partial shade, with sandy, well-drained soil. This succulent is drought-tolerant but does best with occasional watering.

Preparation for planting

Always choose healthy, well-grown plants. The best time to plant is from late spring to early summer. Planting success can be improved on clay soils by adding extra topsoil and forming raised beds. Incorporate coarse sand, bark, compost or other organic material to improve soil structure. Dig a hole in the ground twice the size of the root ball. Before planting, ensure that the root ball is saturated and remove planter pot with minimal root disturbance. As soil is placed in the prepared hole, tread firmly to bring soil in close contact with the root ball. Water thoroughly, making sure that moisture penetrates to the depth of the root ball. After planting, it is advisable to mulch using crushed stone rather than bark, which hold too much water in winter. The stones also reflect the sun’s heat back at the plant.

Maintenance tips

Water moderately in growth periods (winter) and sparingly when dormant (summer). The plant needs water when its lower leaves become soft or wrinkled. Plump leaves are a sign that all is well with the roots. Avoid getting the soil too wet. Water from the base by standing the pot in a dish of water. Never leave the plant standing in water for more than a few hours and make sure to pour away any excess afterwards. Generally, avoid using fertilisers around succulents as this will lead to poor foliage colour.

Echeverias are easy to propagate. Most rosettes around large plants will have put roots out so can be teased away from the parent plants. and immediately transplanted elsewhere. Alternatively, gently remove separate leaves from a rosette and push them (wound first) into a tray or pot of free-draining potting mix and water in. Water sparingly for the next few weeks. After a few weeks, new leaves will start to show at the base of the inserted leaf. These will grow into larger rosettes ready to be planted out.

Pests and diseases

Mealybugs, aphids and vine weevils can be a problem if grown inside.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Rock Garden

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