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Best uses

Fabulous little spring bulb for ground cover around the edges of borders, naturalising through woodland, or shaded beds or in containers. Also a great choice for the rockery.

Physical characteristics

A small growing, deciduous bulb 0.1m tall spreading to 1m+.

Flowers and foliage

Long narrow, slightly glaucous, onion scented leaves are produced in late autumn followed in spring by pretty, star-shaped pale blue, scented flowers.

Preferred site

Prefers full sun to part shade in moist but well-drained soil.

Preparation for planting

This little bulb can either be planted as a dry bulb or a potted bulb when in growth. Dig a hole large enough to take the bulbs easily, at a depth of around twice the depth of the bulb, carefully firm in and water. Planting too near the surface for bulbs can often result in them being dug up by hungry birds or animals.

Maintenance tips

Apply an organic mulch annually to help suppress weeds and conserve moisture. Feed annually in spring with a balanced fertiliser such as blood and bone at a handful per square metre in spring as new growth begins. Tidy leaves away once they have died down in summer. Divide clumps of bulbs when dormant in summer.

Pests and diseases

Slugs and snails may be a problem.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Rock Garden