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Best uses

Great ground cover for a succulent garden or rockery. Also good for use in a succulent hanging basket, ground cover or green roof.

Physical characteristics

Evergreen tender succulent with a sprawling habit growing to around 20cm tall by 70cm wide.

Flowers and foliage

Fleshy matte / gray-green smooth leaves grow to form a mat which makes a great contrast for the vibrant hot pink daisy-like flowers which are produced from late winter to early spring.

Preferred site

Grows best in fast-draining soil that is average to nutritionally poor and high in sand content in full sun. Tolerant to drought and salt spray.

Preparation for planting

Choose healthy well grown plants for best results. Plant in free-draining soil enriched with organic matter (compost). Plant after autumn rains. Ensure the root ball is saturated before planting and remove the planter bag or pot. Dig the hole twice the diameter of the root ball and trim any broken roots. Plant at the same level as in the container firm in and water well.

Lampranthus do well if they are planted where they get plenty of light and good free draining soil. The majority of succulents require well drained soil and full sun. Heavy clay and wet soils are unsuitable conditions but can be improved by adding plenty of course grit or pumice or by creating beds filled with gritty soil. After planting it is advisable to mulch using crushed stone rather than bark which is both out of keeping with succulents and can hold too much water in winter.

Maintenance tips

Mulching helps to conserve soil moisture but keep the mulching material away from the plant stem. Water moderately when in growth and sparingly when dormant. Apply a balanced liquid fertiliser 2 or 3 times in the growing season with succulent fertiliser it does not need to be a high strength type so alternatively use a watered down general fertiliser. Let the soil to become dry between waterings if growing in a container allowing too much water to sit at the bottom of the pot with the roots will cause them to rot.

Pot grown succulents should be watered sparingly in winter just enough to prevent shriveling.

Lampranthus can be propagated easily from cuttings rooted in free draining compost. See our Propagation leaflet for more info.

Ecological and biodiversity benefits

Flowers attract pollinating bees.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

African Garden

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