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Best uses

Great as an impressive bulb in large pots or incorporated into well-drained garden beds.

Physical characteristics

A deciduous, tall, perennial flowering bulb with flower spikes to 1.5m tall and plant width of 0.5m

Flowers and foliage

This large bulb produces its light green leaves to about 0.5m long in summer and then dies down. Tall spikes of many small star-shaped pale blue flowers are borne in spring before the leaves emerge. Flowering size bulbs are large and covered with a papery sheath. NOTE: ALL parts of this plant are highly TOXIC.

Preferred site

Prefers full sun with very well-drained soil. This bulb is relatively drought tolerant but prefers moisture in summer when in growth and drying out in winter when in flower. But even in wet Auckland winters, as long as they have good drainage or are on sloping ground, they will still flower.

Preparation for planting

This large bulb is best planted or repotted as a dry bulb, and is usually only available to buy as a dry bulb as they hate being disturbed while in growth. Dig a hole large enough to take the bulbs easily, plant the bulb with around one third to half of the bulb above the soil and carefully firm in and water. NOTE: ALL parts of this plant are highly TOXIC.

Maintenance tips

Apply mulch annually. This bulb tends to prefer a mulch of stones or gravel to help with drainage and will help suppress weeds and conserve moisture when needed. Feed annually in spring with a balanced fertiliser such as blood and bone at a handful per square metre in spring as new growth begins. To propagate, the bulbs can be easily divided or you can grow them from fresh seed. This bulb hates being disturbed so it is best to carefully divide smaller bulbs off from around the main plant without lifting the whole plant and while the bulbs are dormant. Sow as soon as the seed is ripe in summer as it doesn't germinate as readily unless kept in the fridge. Seed should be sown in containers at least 10cm deep and will germinate in 7 days. Only prick out once the seedlings have reached a good size as the more disturbance they get, the longer they will take to flower. It may take up to 3 or 4 years for the new bulbs to reach flowering size. Trim off flowered stems once finished if you don't want seed and clear away leaves when they die down to keep the plant tidy.

Pests and diseases

Normally trouble free.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

African Garden

Interesting facts and tips

NOTE: ALL parts of this plant are TOXIC. Attracts insects to the garden.