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Best uses

A great evergreen shrub for shady borders, tropical plantings and sheltered courtyards. Looks great in a container as these plants are naturally epiphytic so performs best with restricted root growth. Protect from frost.

Physical characteristics

A small, evergreen shrub with an open habit growing to around 1.2m tall and 1.2m wide.

Flowers and foliage

A tropical growing rhododendron. Leaves are ovate to rounded, glossy and bright green, they contrast well with its red stems. Large trusses of trumpet-shaped bright orange flowers are produced in autumn and winter and then often again later in spring.

Preferred site

A warm, sheltered position in full sun to partial shade with rich, moist but well-drained soil. Vireya dislike heavy clay soil. Protect from frost and cold winds.

Preparation for planting

Always choose healthy, well-grown, plants and plant after autumn rains, when the soil is moist and warm allows shrubs to establish a good root system well before summer. Planting is often improved on clay soils by adding extra topsoil and forming raised beds. Incorporate coarse sand, bark, peat, compost or other organic material to improve soil structure. Before planting, ensure the root ball is saturated and remove the planter bag or pot with minimal root disturbance. Trim any broken roots or branches and plant at the same level as in the container. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the root ball to plant in. Long term slow-release fertilisers may be added at this stage. As soil is placed in the prepared hole, tread firmly to bring soil in close contact with the root-ball. Unless the soil is wet, water thoroughly making sure that moisture penetrates to the depth of the root-ball.

Maintenance tips

Apply an organic mulch annually to help suppress weeds and conserve moisture. Feed annually in spring with a balanced liquid fertiliser at a lower rate than advised on the package as vireya rhododendrons prefer only weak feed and this will not damage their fine roots. Remove spent flower heads by carefully snapping them off just below the flower truss but above the leaves. This is easy to do and will tidy up your plant for the rest of the season, prolong flowering and encourage more growth. Prune regularly from a young age to maintain a compact shape, this can be done after flowering. Vireya can be pruned relatively hard as some can become very leggy if left unpruned.

Pests and diseases

Thrips can attack leaves in humid conditions. Late frosts and a lot of rain can ruin flowers as they come out. Mildew may also be a problem in summer.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Friends Building