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Best uses

Salvia splendens and hybrids are commonly grown as annuals in bedding displays, in pots and to edge beds.

Physical characteristics

A compact evergreen perennial growing to 45cm high and 30cm wide.

Flowers and foliage

Numerous cultivars are available ranging in colour from the traditional red to purples to whites. This salvia blooms non stop from spring to autumn. Flowers are produced on spikes and are two-lipped. Leaves are bright to dark green elliptical and toothed. Foliage is fragrant when crushed.

Preferred site

Plant in full sun to part shade with moist but well-drained soil.

Preparation for planting

Prepare the planting site when soil is moist and easily worked after the first rains in autumn. This way the soil is still warm so the plants can make root growth before the following summer. Always choose healthy well-grown plants. Remove all perennial weeds and incorporate bark, compost or other organic material. On heavy soils raise the level of beds and borders with extra topsoil and coarse pumice or sand. Plant when the soil is moist and warm in autumn or early spring so that a good root system develops to support vigorous new growth. Before planting ensure the root ball is saturated and remove the planter bag or pot with minimal root disturbance. Trim any broken roots and plant at the same level as in the container. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the root ball put in the plant and firm around the base water in well.

With suitable preparation and care, perennials will grow and flower well year after year. They benefit from a weed-free well-drained soil rich in organic material. Planting too closely leads to spindly growth, poor flowering and eventual decline. In a well planned border, the plants in flower should just touch each other to create a full effect without overcrowding. Apply an organic based fertiliser such as blood & bone at a handful per square metre in spring as new growth begins. Control slugs and snails to prevent damage to tender young shoots. Stake plants at or near planting time to ensure the plants are not damaged and grow around the stakes to conceal them.

Bedding plants are usually raised from seed sown under trays under cover. The seedlings are transplanted into small containers for growing on before finally being planted out. Transfer seedlings outdoors to be hardened off before planting. Soil should be friable. Prior to planting rake general purpose fertiliser into the soil at about 100 grams (about 2 handfuls) per square metre. Plant at the same depth at which the plants were growing in their container planting too deeply usually results in failure. Handle carefully to minimise root disturbance.

Maintenance tips

It is advisable to add organic matter such as compost to the soil every second year and an annual application of lime. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage additional blooms.

This plant has moderate feeding requirements. If in beds a soluble multi-feed used every six weeks is adequate. Monthly feeding is preferable if in containers or hanging baskets. This feeding will ensure prolific blooming and healthy strong plants. Apply mulch once planted this will help suppress weeds and conserve moisture.

Bedding plants can be allowed to die each autumn (and often are) then new plants purchased or raised from seed each spring. Alternatively, they can be left in the ground to overwinter but this is only possible in warmer areas. Larger potted or container plants may be overwintered in bright cool frost-free locations. Water during dry summer periods to prolong flowering. In autumn or spring, softwood cuttings can be taken or sow seed in spring. Alternatively, new plants can be purchased in spring.

Most salvias require well-drained soil and are ideally suited to growing in semi-shade in Auckland gardens.

Ecological and biodiversity benefits

Flowers attract bees.

Pests and diseases

Relatively pest and disease free but slugs may attack new foliage and mildew may be a problem later on in the summer.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Salvia Garden

Interesting facts and tips

Horticulturists have selected and hybridised wild forms to create very compact and floriferous varieties that come in a range of colours including red, pink, salmon, white and bicolour. Many seed strains are available that can be selected for colour and size.