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Best uses

An interesting herb to mix into plantings and beds. It flowers over such a long period that it is hardly ever without a flower.

Physical characteristics

A woody, open, evergreen shrub growing to 1.5m tall and 1m wide.

Flowers and foliage

This large member of the marigold family produces single bright yellow flowers from summer through autumn but is rarely without a flower. Leaves are finely divided, dark green, and strongly scented when touched.

Preferred site

Prefers full sun to partial shade with moist but well-drained soil. Established plants will tolerate drought conditions.

Preparation for planting

Always choose healthy, well-grown plants. Planting after autumn rains when the soil is moist and warm allows plants to become established before winter. This enables them to withstand dry periods during the following summer. Before planting, ensure that the root-ball is saturated and remove planter bag pot or wrapping with the minimum of root disturbance. Trim any broken roots or stems and plant at the same level as in the container. Mulch with an organic mulch after planting. This will help suppress weeds and retain moisture.

Maintenance tips

Apply an organic mulch annually to help suppress weeds and conserve moisture. Feed annually in spring with a balanced fertiliser such as blood and bone at a handful per square metre in spring as new growth begins. Pruning can be done after in spring after any cold weather has passed, this is normally done just to keep growth in check and keep the plant tidy. Old, woody plants can be rejuvenated by pruning back by half and a balanced feed applied at the same time to encourage new growth. To propagate collect fresh seed from the plant and sow in containers. Plant out small plants where they are to flower once they are about 30cm tall.

Ecological and biodiversity benefits

Bees and pollinators love the flowers.

Pests and diseases

Protect young plants from slugs and snails.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Herb Garden