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Best uses

Predominantly used as a bedding annuals in beds, borders, containers and edging for beds. Looks great planted en masse and can be incorporated into hanging baskets for winter colour.

Physical characteristics

An annual with a tidy compact and uniform habit reaching around 10-15cm tall and 15-20cm wide.

Flowers and foliage

Fragrant lemon yellow flowers are produced throughout autumn and into spring. Leaves are deep green and oval to heart-shaped.

Preferred site

Best planted in full sun or part shade but plants in part shade may have leggier growth. Even though this pansy is usually grown as an annual it will overwinter well thanks to a vigorous root system.

Preparation for planting

Prepare the planting site when soil is moist and easily worked after the first rains in autumn. This way the soil is still warm so the plants can make root growth before the following summer. Always choose healthy well-grown plants. Remove all perennial weeds and incorporate bark compost or other organic material. On heavy soils raise the level of beds and borders with extra topsoil and coarse pumice sand. Plant when the soil is moist and warm in autumn or early spring so that a good root system develops to support vigorous new growth. Before planting ensure the root ball is saturated and remove the planter bag or pot with minimal root disturbance. Trim any broken roots and plant at the same level as in the container. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the root ball put in the plant and firm around the base water in well.

They benefit from a weed-free well drained soil rich in organic material. Planting too closely leads to spindly growth, poor flowering and eventual decline. In a well planned border, the plants in flower should just touch each other to create a full effect without overcrowding. Apply an organic based fertiliser such as blood & bone at a handful per square metre in spring as new growth begins. Control slugs and snails to prevent damage to tender young shoots.

Maintenance tips

It is advisable to add organic matter such as compost to the soil every second year and an annual application of lime. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage additional blooms.

This plant has moderate feeding requirements. If in beds a soluble multi-feed used every six weeks is adequate. Monthly feeding is preferable if in containers or hanging baskets. This feeding will ensure prolific blooming and healthy strong plants. Apply mulch once planted this will help suppress weeds and conserve moisture. Water during dry summer periods to prolong flowering.

Bedding plants can be allowed to die each autumn (and often are) then new plants purchased or raised from seed each spring. In autumn pinching back can result in the production of a second flourish of blooms. Alternatively, they can be left in the ground to overwinter and cut back once flowering has subsided ready for a new flush of growth. In autumn or spring, seed can be sown, or alternatively new plants can be purchased in spring. Violas often seed out themselves so the next season new plants may pop up on their own.

Pests and diseases

Space evenly when planting out so there is plenty of air movement between plants. This will reduce the risk of mildew developing in warmer temperatures. May also be affected by leaf spot.

Location at Auckland Botanic Gardens
