Rose Garden
Summer colour for any type of garden
"That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful”
Persian poet Rumi.
Visit the Rose Gardens at Auckland Botanic Gardens and admire these plants that have inspired so many poets and lovers over history with their plush flowers and delicious scent (not forgetting the extra message in their thorns!).
Roses have a reputation for being high maintenance and susceptible to pest and disease. The rose gardens here prove otherwise! Before roses become successful members of our collection they go through 3 years of trials. Only those that thrive, without chemical applications, succeed. You too can grow beautiful roses in Auckland - without as much energy or money spent as you may have thought.
We demonstrate a variety of garden designs. If you dream of the traditional and quaint, visit the heritage and rambling varieties in the Historic Garden or the Reflective Rose Garden. These are complemented by flowering perennials and annuals which are so enjoyed by the beneficial insects, birds and bees. If you just want to relax into the scented atmosphere of modern and heritage cultivars, find a quiet spot by the pond in the Reflective Garden. Be intrigued and inspired by the effectiveness of roses against the backdrop of NZ natives in the New Zealand Rose Garden.
Is there a rose in here you love? Take ideas from an array of proven performers. Keep an eye on our events calendar for upcoming horticultural workshops or let us know if you would like more information on best practice for growing roses.
Enjoy watching our collection curator guide you through the various areas of our Rose Garden