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- About us
- Accessibility
- Auckland Council
- Contact us
- Directions
- Education
- Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens*
Garden advice
- Ask the experts
- Garden tips
- Looking good
- Looking good
- Looking good
- Plant identification
- Plants for Auckland brochures
- Plants for Auckland database
- The seasons
- What to grow
- 奥克兰的植物
Explore our gardens
- African Plants Garden
- Camellia Garden
- Conifer Garden
- Edible Garden
- Gondwana Arboretum
- Harakeke Collection
- Herb Garden
- Magnolia Garden
- Native Forest
- Native Plant ID Trail
- Native Plant Ideas
- Orchard
- Palm Garden
- Perennials Garden
- Podocarp Valley
- Potter Children's Garden
- Rock Garden
- Rose Garden
- Salvias
- Spring Blossom Valley
- Threatened Native Plants
- Trial Garden
- Urban Trees
- Our venues
RETIRED EVENTS - do not publish
- Alien treasure hunt (24 Jan)
- Alien treasure hunt
- All about birds workshop for kids
- Aramex Kiwi Walk & Run Series
- Aroha Kauri Day
- Art Group Exhibition 2018
- Art Group Exhibition
- Art workshop with Tosh Ahkit - 12pm
- Artist talk - 14 Feb
- Artist talk - 21 Feb
- Artist talk - 7 Feb (1)
- Astronomically fun drop-in activities (9 Feb)
- Astronomically fun drop-in activities
- Auckland Begonia Festival - Sunday
- Auckland Begonia Festival
- Victoriana
- Autumn Art and Leaf Investigation Trail: 17 April
- Autumn Art and Leaf Investigation Trail: 24 April
- Autumn masterpieces
- Autumn plant sales
- Autumnal art
- Back from extinction: learn about the giant weta
- Be a conservation hero: kids activity
- Be a conservation hero
- Beginner’s workshop: designing with perennials
- Begonia Flower Show
- Better, Smarter, Greener
- Bird walk and crafts
- Bird walk in the garden
- Book Sale
- Botanic Gardens Day 2019
- Botanic Gardens Open Day
- Botanical Art Society Exhibition
- Botanical print making workshop
- Botanical watercolour for beginners
- Celebrate Spring! 2017
- Celebrate Spring!
- Celebrate Spring
- Celebrate the closing of Sculpture in the Gardens
- Sculpture in the Gardens - opening celebration
- Children’s workshop: create your own mini dinosaur terrarium
- Clay creatures
- Clay sculpting
- Clivia Show
- Colourful paper spheres
- Complete the garden drawing
- Connections to our natural world
- Conservation expedition (Tuesday 24 April)
- Conservation stories: online session
- Conservation Week 2018
- Conservation week display
- Conservation Week event: Garden Advice Q&A
- Conservation Week guided walk: biosecurity trail
- Get into nature!
- Cosmic plant game
- Create cut-out animals
- Create paper people
- Create your own forest watercolour artwork
- Create your own mini plant terrarium
- Create your own mini rare plant book
- Create your own sprout creatures
- Create your own wall hangings
- Winter masterpieces
- Leaf hangings
- Creative Art exhibition
- Creative arts exhibition
- Creative writing workshop for teens
- Creative writing workshop
- Creativity Unlocked 2020
- Curious creatures
- Curious Creatures1
- Demonstration - hanging baskets
- Design your own treehouse (drawing)
- Dino decorating
- Dino fest
- Dinofest 2021
- Dinofest!
- Dinosaur Thaumatropes
- Discovery station for kids
- Discovery Station
- Do veges grown in compost taste best?
- Drawing native plants
- Drawing with pen and ink
- Drop in session: Clay snails
- Drop n Learn: Hedge trimming
- Drumming performance
- Dry your own flowers for home
- Easter Holidays - Marvelous Minibeast challenge
- Edible Plant Part Game
- Edible Plant Part Game
- Edible Plant Part Game
- Edible Plant Part Game
- Edible Plant Part Game
- Edible Plant Part Game
- Egg box gardens
- Elvis in the Gardens cancelled for 2020
- Epic Voyages
- Evening stargazing: Our place in the stars (19 Jan)
- Evening stargazing: Our place in the stars (22 Jan)
- Evening stargazing: Our place in the stars (25 Jan)
- Evening stargazing: Our place in the stars
- Exotic blooms
- Eye on Nature - Event Cancelled
- Eye on Nature Whānau Day
- Fishing game
- Flower of the Underworld
- Forest leaf creatures
- Friends artist in residence: art exhibition
- Friends artist in residence: Jennifer Duval-Smith
- Fruit tree pruning demonstration
- Fun with clay
- Garden advice with Jack Hobbs
- Garden planning for beginners
- Gardeners of the galaxy
- Gardening in small spaces
- Gardening with subtropical plants
- Get up close and personal with our harakeke (flax) collection
- Girl Buoys creations
- Gondwana Puzzles
- Grow your own cut flowers
- Grow Your Own Space Microgreens (23 Jan)
- Grow Your Own Space Microgreens
- Guided walk of Sculpture in the Gardens (2.30pm)
- Guided walk of Sculpture in the Gardens
- Hands on Creatures
- He Kai Te Rongoa, He Rongoa Te Kai
- Hedging and screening workshop
- Herb hanging basket demonstration
- Herbalicious!
- Hey Pesto!
- Hey Pesto!!
- Holding Ground
- How to look after your harakeke (flax)
- Hydrangea Pruning
- In a Curious Garden
- In Quarantine
- International Day of the Older Person 2016
- July school holiday programme
- Junk play with Conscious Kids
- Kauri dieback talk
- Kererū explorer - fun and craft
- Kererū explorer
- Kids Activities Day - Gardeners of the galaxy
- Kids nature journaling
- Kokedama workshop
- Korowai demonstration
- Learn about native plants
- Learn how to create a begonia hanging basket
- Learn how to make your own terrarium
- Learn how to prune your camellias
- Let us help you solve your weed-plant problems
- Library closed
- Little Sprouts (December)
- Little Sprouts (January)
- Little Sprouts (March)
- Little Sprouts - Matariki
- Little Sprouts (May)
- Little Sprouts (May)
- Little Sprouts (Waitangi Day)
- Live Music: Bruce French 2017
- Live music: Bruce French on Auckland Anniversary Day
- Live music: Bruce French on Boxing Day
- Live music: Bruce French on Labour Day
- Live Music: Bruce French on Labour Weekend Sunday
- Live music in the Gardens: Bruce French
- Live Music on Waitangi Day: Bruce French
- Live music: Wilde Taylor on Labour Weekend Monday
- Live music: Wilde Taylor (Sun 20 Jan)
- Live music: Wilde Taylor
- Live music: Wilde Taylor
- Live online: garden programmes during lockdown
- Live summer music: Wilde Taylor
- Live Sunday music: Bruce French
- See our beautiful living roofs
- Living roof workshop for kids
- Gardens in the Sky. Learn about living roofs in our new visitor centre display!
- Looking good in November
- Loose parts nature play
- Magical Gardens
- Make a flying seed & bee hummer
- Make a fun leaf box
- Make Moments Sculpture Tour
- Make your own collage
- Make your own Matariki ika (fish)
- Manukau Photographic Society exhibition
- Maori traditional plant use (July)
- Maori traditional plant use
- Maramataka - Maori Lunar Calendar
- Matariki at the Gardens
- Matariki mobiles
- Matariki star crowns
- Matariki Whetū (star)
- Meet the Big Five: African Garden walk
- Microgreens in fun containers
- Mightly Kauri perspective drawing
- Native plant survival challenge - winter
- Native plant survival challenge
- Nature bug cards
- Nature-craft Easter cards
- Nature journaling for adults
- Nature journaling in the vege garden for beginners
- Nature journalling
- Nature walk treasure hunt
- Nature weaving
- Open Day
- Display and sale of orchids. Free entry
- Display and sale of orchids. Free entry
- Display and sale of orchids. Free entry
- Our star the Sun: holiday activity for kids age 12+
- Pā Harakeke exhibition
- Painting autumn leaves in watercolour (23 Jun)
- Painting autumn leaves in watercolour
- Painting workshop with Artist in Residence Neal Palmer
- Palm & Cycad Society sale
- Paper pet snails
- Reflections on a botanist
- Perennial plant sale
- Photography Exhibition
- Photography workshop with Xavier Radic
- Photography workshop
- Pizza plants scavenger hunt
- Plant and gardening books for sale
- Plant conservation tour
- Planting specimen trees
- Planting winter vegetables
- Plants for dry gardens
- Plants for weaving: harakeke
- Pollination and pollinators at your place (Tuesday 10 October)
- Pollination Puzzle
- Pop up drawing
- Predator Free NZ 2050 Exhibition
- Prehistoric Plant Walk
- Preserving your kai (preserving your food)
- Printmaking for adults
- Printmaking for kids
- Revegetation seed prep and sowing workshop
- Rocket gardens
- Rongoa Maori - Maori medicinal plants
- Rongoā rakau – Traditional Medicinal Plant Game
- Rongoā rakau: Traditional Medicinal Plant Game
- Rosehill School Sculpture Exhibition
- Salvias for Summer
- Samulnori! The Power of K-Rhythm
- Saxophone sounds with Bruce French
- Scavenger hunt and garden games
- School holiday activity: Birds in the garden
- School holiday activity: clay leaves
- School holiday activity: Marigolds
- School holiday activity: pollinator paradise
- Sculpture in the Gardens returns for summer!
- Sculpture in the Gardens returns for summer!
- Sculpture in the Gardens
- Seed Sowing for Summer
- Sketching for botanical composition
- Smoothie workshop
- Learn about soil health
- South Auckland 360 Heart Stopper Challenge
- Spin a spooky spiderweb!
- Spring at the Gardens
- Plan your spring garden
- Springtime discovery station for kids
- Sprout heads
- Stippling art for adults 28 Jan
- Stippling art for adults
- Storm water trail - guided walk
- Storyteller Michael O'Leary
- Summer music: Bruce French live
- Summer music with Bruce French
- Sunday at the Gardens 10 Jan
- Sunday at the Gardens 13 Dec
- Sunday at the Gardens 14 Feb
- Sunday at the Gardens 17 Jan
- Sunday at the Gardens 21 Feb
- Sunday at the Gardens 24 Jan
- Sunday at the Gardens 27 Dec
- Sunday at the Gardens 28 Feb
- Sunday at the Gardens 3 Jan
- Sunday at the Gardens 31 Jan
- Sunday at the Gardens 6 Dec
- Buy plants for your garden
- Symbiosis & Forest has the Blues
- Talk: Alpine Plants & Rock Garden Plants
- Te Kura O Te Kauri
- Te Puhinui Big Clean
- Terrific trees (10 July)
- Terrific trees (17 July)
- test
- The Art of Healing - Medicine, Myth and Magic
- The Great Kererū Count
- The Secret Life of Flowers
- Japanese tea ceremony
- Tiny terrariums
- Tips on garden maintenance
- Tōu Ipu me Tōku Ipu Kōkōwai
- Toyota Kiwi Guardians celebration
- Tree Stories
- Tree Trail Scavenger Hunt
- Using native plants in your garden
- Venus fly traps
- Waitangi day music: Wilde Taylor
- Weaving workshop - Putiputi
- Wednesday Walk: Spring garden walk
- Wednesday Walks. Free.
- Wednesday Walks. Free.
- Weed busting 101
- Weeds or food?
- Whakanuitia I Te Taiao, Whakanuitia I Nga Iwi
- Whale Tales 2022
- Wild Winds discovery station for kids
- Winter in the African Garden
- Winter Solstice Art Party
- Workshop: Courtyard gardening
- Workshop: Plants in Containers
- Workshop: Seed Saving
- Wriggle & Rhyme in the Gardens
- Yarn sticks
Native species projects
- Applying horticulture and advocacy to threatened plant conservation
- Bringing a taxonomic revision to life
- Orchards of threatened plants
- Plants only found in Auckland
- Pollinating Rātā Moehau
- Seed banking kakabeak
- Seed collecting in the face of Myrtle rust
- The 'Hobsonville kakapo'
- The pale flowering kūmarahou
- Revegetation
Native species projects
Research at the Gardens
Research articles
- Agapanthus for Auckland
- Begonias for summer interest
- Calendula bedding trial
- Calibrachoa bedding trial
- Can we breed a pretty, petal blight resistant Camellia?
- Chemical free roses
- Community Control of Kauri Dieback: Tiaki Kauri
- Daylily rust trial
- Finding rust resistant Hemerocallis for Auckland
- Going low mow
- Gomphrena for mass plantings
- Green roof plant selection
- Kale for Auckland
- Kauri dieback
- Pretty but not weedy
- Red hot poker trial 2016
- Rengarengas for Auckland
- Sentinel survey for myrtle rust
- Summer bean trial
- SunPatiens: are they resistant to sun scorch?
- To mow or not to mow
- Tomato trial 2023-2024
- Water Sensitive Design
- Which tomato cultivars grow well in Auckland?
- Winter Brassica trial 2022
- Our research
- Plant breeding programmes
- Our partners
Research articles
- Auckland Botanic Gardens
- Sitemap
- Terms of use
- The Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens - backup copy
- Visit us
What's on
- Download the STQRY app onto your mobile phone
- A guided tour of the Gardens
- ABG Photographic Competition - Mood of the Gardens
- Accessible Gardening with Chronically Ellen
- Amazing carnivorous plants workshop - Wintergardens Sunday Art Sessions
- Annual pest-free moth plant pod competition
- Art with Agata
- Art with ecoprints
- Artist guided walk for Sculpture in the Gardens with Richard Mathieson
- Artist’s Sculpture Walk
- Artist talk & sculpture walk - James Wright
- Artist talk & sculpture walk - Jim Wheeler
- Auckland Domain Wintergardens
- Spring Flowers
- Auckland Tree Crop Sale
- Auckland Tree Crops annual sale
- Autumn activity sheet
- Autumn Guided Walk
- Autumn leaf boxes
- Banana thinning with the Urban Orchard Group
- Banana workshop
- Beautiful Botanical Books
- Beautiful butterflies
- Behind-the-scenes Nursery tour
- Bird Kites
- Blooming Caps
- Bright tropical flowers at the Wintergardens
- Butterfly face mask
- Cacti and Succulents Workshop - Wintergardens Sunday Art Sessions
- Call for Artists - Sculpture in the Gardens
- Camellia Garden Drop and Learn
- Cancelled: Food Trucks in the Gardens
- CANCELLED: Matariki i te Aorangi - 16 June
- Clay Creations
- Clay Day!
- Companion Gardening with Fungi
- Compost Collective workshop
- Composting Workshop
- Conservation and Revegetation Walk and Talk
- Conservation in urban spaces
- Craft time with Toni
- Crafty Art with Toni
- Create a Polish style paper flower
- Creative Workshop - Weave: A Thread Connects Us All
- Cyanotype workshop for kids
- Cyanotype workshop with Elle Anderson
- Cyanotype workshop
- Discover Nature Through Journaling
- Discovery Waka - Leaves, flowers, shapes, and patterns
- Discovery Waka - Life in the Soil
- Discovery Waka - Sniffari
- Discovery Waka - Soil Life
- Drop and Learn: Botanical Sculptures
- Drop and Learn - Budding and summer grafting your fruit trees
- Drop and Learn: Climate Resilience
- Drop and Learn: Colour in the Perennial Garden
- Drop and Learn: Composting
- Drop and Learn - Fabulous Foliage
- Drop and Learn: Gondwana Arboretum Walk
- Drop and Learn: Introduction to the Harakeke Collection
- Drop and Learn: Pā Harakeke garden
- Drop and Learn: Plants on trial
- Drop and Learn - Pruning and Trimming
- Drop and Learn: Roses in Summer
- Drop and Learn: Roses
- Drop and Learn tour of the African Garden
- Drop and Learn - Trials Garden Tour
- Drop-In Pottery session
- Drop'n Learn - Fungi exploration with the Mushroom Smith
- Easter Holidays - Under 5s Nature Fun
- EcoFest Whānau Fun Day
- EcoPrinting for Adults
- Elegant orchids workshop - Wintergardens Sunday Art Sessions
- Enjoy a guided tour of the Gardens
- EVENT POSTPONED - Artist talk & sculpture walk - Karuna Douglas
- Explore with our Autumn Activity Sheet
- Eye on Nature Creative Arts Exhibition
- Eye On Nature Ecofest: 2 April -1 May
- Eye On Nature Ecofest - Sunday April 3
- Feather Moa
- Field Notes: Exploring Sculptures Together
- Field Notes - Exploring the Gardens Together
- Finding, Making and Returning Treasure
- Folding Fun
- Food Truck Collective February Sunday Session
- Food Truck Collective March Sunday Session
- Food Truck Collective
- Food Trucks music with the Ed Taylor Collective
- Forest Accordion Book
- Forest therapy taster sessions
- Free artist guided walk - 17 November
- Free guided seasonal walk - November 12th
- Free guided seasonal walk - November 21st
- Free Guided Walk - January 15
- Free Guided Walk - January 22
- Friends of Auckland Botanic Gardens, Artist in Residence Programme
- Garden Pests - Drop and Learn
- Get a free juice when you take the Climate Action Trail
- Get crafty with Toni
- Grow Mushrooms with The Mushroom Smith
- Growing Communities exhibition
- Growing Friends Plant Sale (NO SALE ANZAC DAY 25TH APRIL)
- Growing Friends Plant Sale
- Growing Friends Plant Sales
- Guided tour of the Gardens
- Guided walk of Threatened Native Plants Garden
- Harakeke exhibition event - dying muka
- Hari Huritau Māmā
- Hidden Secrets - an exhibition of botanical artwork
- Hydrangea Pruning
- Introduction to Food Forest Design
- Junk play – loose parts fun
- Kid’s clay activity
- Kupenga workshop
- Lavender Bags
- Leaf art and words workshop
- Leaf It Behind: Art and Words in Nature
- Leaf Mould Workshop
- Leaf Tapestry
- Learn about bumblebees
- Little leaf art
- Live music for the Food Trucks with the Ed Taylor Collective
- Live music: the Ed Taylor Collective
- Live music with Bruce French
- Live music with The Curl
- Live music with the Ed Taylor Collective
- Live summer music with the Ed Taylor Collective
- Living Roof exhibition
- Lost in the lens with Chronically Ellen
- Luscious glass leaf workshop
- Luscious leaf glass workshop
- Luscious tulips workshop - Wintergardens Sunday Art Sessions
- Macro photography with Manukau Photography Society
- Make a planter tube
- Make Eco Art Materials With Wild Studio
- Make your own 3D insect
- Make your own clay mushroom
- Make your own embroidered flower brooch
- Make your own Paper Flower
- Make your own seed packets from our buzzy Summer Garden
- Make your own spring blossom tree
- Make your own Yarn Stick
- Matariki i te Aorangi - 22 June
- Matariki i te Aorangi - 24 June
- Meet the Gardener Dec 04 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Meet the Gardener Dec 18 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Meet the Gardener Feb 13 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Meet the Gardener Feb 27 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Meet the Gardener March 13 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Meet the Gardener March 27 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Meet the Gardener Nov 06 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Meet the Gardener Nov 20 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Meet the Gardener Oct 23 - Join Angela in our Edibles Garden
- Microgreens (pea sprouts)
- Mini Planter Workshop
- Mobile Library visit December 31
- Mobile Library visit January 10
- Mobile Library visit January 24
- Mobile Library visit January 29
- Mobile Library visit January 5
- Monthly Sunday Plant Sales - April
- Monthly Sunday Plant Sales - December
- Monthly Sunday Plant Sales - February
- Monthly Sunday Plant Sales - January
- Monthly Sunday Plant Sales - March
- Monthly Sunday Plant Sales - May
- Monthly Sunday Plant Sales - September
- Mushroom & Fungi Walk
- Mushroom Mug - kids' pottery workshop
- Mushrooms and Other Fungi
- Music from the Ed Taylor Collective
- Opera in the Gardens
- Music on the Huakaiwaka terrace
- Music on the terrace with the Ed Taylor Collective
- Nature for Wellbeing audio experience
- Nature journal your winter walk - a family drop-in activity
- Nature journaling for adults workshop
- Nature Journaling Workshop
- Nature weaving
- Ngāti Tamaoho Matariki Weaving Exhibition
- No mow and low mow workshop
- Otherworldly worlds - School Holiday Creative Workshop
- Palm and Cycad Society plant sale
- Paper collage workshop
- Paper Marbling Workshop
- Paper Plant Pots and seeds
- Paper Sculptures
- Pest control Drop and Learn
- Pest Plants Drop and learn
- Pest plants workshop
- Pinch Pot Pottery Workshops
- Plaster mould making
- Play Truck at the Gardens 30 March
- Play Truck at the Gardens 6 April
- 'Play Wild' book launch and craft activities
- Playing with textures
- Pop-up printing
- Press Moulding/Ceramic Fruit
- Red Hot Chili Peppers Workshop at the Wintergardens
- Saxophone with Bruce French
- Sculpture in the Gardens 2024/25
- Seasonal Changes & Bed Preparation
- Self-guided tours around the Gardens
- Shelf Life - exhibition
- Sniffari Drop and Learn
- Spring Daffodils workshop - SOLD OUT
- Steel 'n Beats performance
- Subtropical tour of Palm Garden
- Summer Border Workshop at the Wintergardens
- Summer music with Bruce French
- Summer music with The Curls
- Summer music with the Ed Taylor Collective
- Summer saxophone with Bruce French
- Summer sounds with Mitch French
- Sunday music at the Huakaiwaka visitor centre
- Sunday music with Mitch French
- Sunflower Sketching
- Take a guided tour of the Gardens
- Tales under the tree
- Tales under the trees
- Talk by artist-in-residence Neal Palmer
- Tātai Whakapapa – Matariki
- Tāwhiti kiore / traditional trapping wānanga
- Te Hui Ahurei o Matariki
- Tea for Harmony Yaji Cultural Salon
- The Gardens through our Eyes Photo Competition
- The Gardens through Our Eyes
- The Winter Vege Garden workshop - Wintergardens Sunday Art Sessions
- Theatre installation - What She Burned
- Tree Benefits Workshop
- Tunes on the terrace from the Ed Taylor Collective
- Uku/Clay Session with Nga Kaihanga Uku
- Unfolding Ideas – Introduction to simple folded structures
- Watercolour blossoms
- Weekend music at the Huakaiwaka visitor centre
- Winter to Spring
- Workshop - make a luscious glass leaf
- WRAP: A Mindful Stones Adventure
- Wriggle and Rhyme - Summer Fun
- Wriggle and Rhyme
- Wriggle & Rhyme outdoors 2022
- You Ready?
- Free Guided Walk - January 8
- 2023 photo competition winners announced
- 5 Step Guide to Your Own Edible Garden
- A new pest for kauri?
- A Sculptured Gardens
- ABG wins the Healthy Parks Award 2021
- Advice for gardening in a drought
- Aloes on the move
- An enduring fascination
- 1.6 hectares of land on Hill Road extends the Gardens
- Awhi Rito reinstalled
- Best-fit botany works for home gardens, too
- Biosecurity trail at the Gardens a finalist in the Biosecurity Awards
- Biosecurity trail empowers visitors to protect New Zealand flora
- Botanic Gardens Day celebration
- Calibrachoas for Auckland
- Call for Artists - Sculpture in the Gardens 21/22
- Calling all artists
- Celebrating a milestone for Kiwi kids in nature
- Celebrating National Volunteer Week
- Cherry blossom Watch
- Climate Festival Kicks Off at Auckland Botanic Gardens
- Community Control of Kauri Dieback: Tiaki Kauri
- Conifer Collection revamp
- Dog bylaw review - make a submission
- Enhancing your garden with the right sculpture
- 'Entwined' to join the Gardens' permament collection
- Exploring engineering through folds of paper
- Garden development under way
- Gardening in small spaces
- Getting kids into nature
- Growing tomatoes!
- Heritage harakeke (flax) gifted to Whangarei Boys High School
- 'Holding Ground' Sculpture Exhibition opens 18 November
- Holes in my pohutukawa leaves
- Introducing Brenda Hart - Friends visiting artist 2019
- Keep in touch with us during lockdown
- Learning apiculture
- Managing the threat of myrtle rust in your garden
- Meeting rare native plants at the Gardens
- Native Plant Ideas Garden renewal
- New from the trial garden
- New from the trials
- New Ornamental Mānuka Garden
- New trial article
- No-mow, low-mow, and meadows
- Other worlds: interview with artist Ruth Watson
- Sculpture in the Gardens update
- Partnership to conserve Myrtaceae
- Photographic competition results 2021
- Picture story: Harakeke cleaning day 2021
- Plant and gardening books
- Positive working partnership with iwi proving a success for restoration
- Puhinui stream clean up
- Recent trial publication
- Removing pest plants from the Gardens
- Research into kauri dieback
- Return of the Wiri Rambler
- Rose and Perennial Garden projects
- Sculpture in the Gardens announcement
- Sculpture in the Gardens 2017-18
- Sculpture in the Gardens 2019-20
- Sculpture in the Gardens - artists announced
- Sculpture in the Gardens Artists’ Big Day Out
- Sculpture in the Gardens opens to the public
- Sculpture in the Gardens postponed until 2024
- Searching for an upright oioi
- Sculpture in the Gardens closing celebration
- Summer, sorted
- Supreme Award Winner 2019
- Take a bite out of summer 2021
- Take our Whale Tales Trail
- Te Kura o te Kauri
- The Gardens is going zero waste
- The great gardening boom
- The 'Hobsonville kakapo'
- The pale flowering kūmarahou
- 'The plants start to feel like old friends'
- Through the magnifying glass
- Tips for garden resilience in a changing climate
- Top tips for autumn gardening
- Toyota Kiwi Guardians: detailed adventure map
- What beans to grow in Auckland?
- What to plant, where to plant and how to look after
- Why We Have to Remove Trees
- Winter vegetable ideas from our Edible Garden
- Wintergardens work wins architectural award
- WOW winner made with Botanic Gardens' harakeke
- Zero waste update